Kōrero mai | Talk to me

Welcome to the Kōrero Mai | Talk to Me online portal!

You’re in the right place for information to help parents and caregivers talk to their kids about sexuality, gender and safety. We know it can be tricky, but there’s also lots of other parents and caregivers working out this stuff too.

The rero Mai | Talk to Me online portal includes videos of other parents and caregivers talking about how they support their kids – the real talk – which will help you to think about what would keep kids in your life safe.

Whether you are a parent, caregiver, aunty, uncle, grandparent, older sibling, teacher, coach or anyone else who has children in your life – this is for you! You can come back as many times as you want, share the resources with other people in your life, and download tip-sheets and even a board game!

Click here to access the portal!

Are you a grandparent who wants to help out, but this is all new? Here’s some tips for grandparents and other older adults to support your children and grandchildren to have conversations about gender and sexuality

We need extra ideas when we are parenting on our own! Here are some ideas for general safety and kōrero, and some extra ideas if you are going to start seeing someone

There is lots to think about for kids who think, behave or have different abilities from their peers. Here are some ideas to get you started on these conversations if you have a disabled child

God, faith, and children who might grow up to be Rainbow! How can you increase their safety in a Christian faith environment?

We have also created a board game you can print out and play with the kids in your life. Designed by a mum and son, it’s to help us open up and talk with our kids, and have fun while we do it!


Hohou te Rongo Kahukura and Diversity Counselling New Zealand worked together to develop material related to preventing child sexual abuse, through this project funded by ACC. We deeply value the connections, differences and similarities between us which have enriched the work and the vision of ACC to make it happen.

Alongside the project leads Bex Fraser, Vanisri Mills and Dr Cayathri Divakalala, we are grateful for the work of Sandra Dickson who provided many hours of expert advice and development. And we are grateful for our nine amazing community mobilisers, all of whom brought attention and care to their communities. We acknowledge the work of Raukawa Newton, Andrea Black, Rev’d Gendi Burwell, Elkin Solano, Liaquat Ali Changezi, Dr Hala Barhoum, Cami Carty-Melis, Gaayathri Nair and Kaoru Tsukigi.

We were lucky to do this mahi at the same time as several other community groups, and you might be interested in their work as well! Links will be added here as these resources become available.

The Courage Club – For parents of disabled children